Movies, T.V. shows, YouTube

D. Sutherland Love Fest and Some YouTube Clips

Well- after I finished “The West Wing,” I needed to center myself after that emotional roller coaster ride (I really do get torn up about these things Drew- I’ve been quite forlorn).  And whenever I’m in this kind of state, I turn to “Pride and Prejudice” (from 2005- the ‘concentrated’ version if you will, I mean- I absolutely love Colin Firth, but I can only watch your 6hr version every 7 years or so, while Macfadyen’s 2hr version is on a 3-4 month cycle) or “Lost in Austen.”  (<–check that out yo) Watched Pride and Prejudice this time around.  Yah.  I still cried during the scene in Mr. Bennet’s study at the end.  Donald Sutherland gets me every time!  His eyes are so clear and his set of teeth, which appear in the unexpected off-beats of their conversation, are always so surprisingly, wonderfully small compared to his big face- and his hands and fingers are so big and wonderful too- gaaaah- and his voice is so expressive, vulnerable in his attachment to Elizabeth, and happy.  I always seem to be overwhelmed by this and him.

This made me think of two videos on YouTube I saw recently and wanted to share them with you.

First is from Dan Rezler- I subscribed to his channel after I saw some of his “Dan Cooking/Cook Like A Dan” videos and there were a few shout-outs in here where I just wanted to say Egg ‘Challah Dan!  He’s a pretty cool guy.

Second, is well- awesome.  (Sorry gotta watch it on YouTube for some reason…)


