
So, I understand this is quite embarrassing. Like, am I going to become one of those people who uploads shitty videos of themselves singing on youtube and their blog? Have no fear: I understand the sheer mediocrity of this lil’ performance. ALAS, I wanted to share something with you and post on our blog and I was too damn lazy to write things (except that I guess I’m writing now?) and I had to upload it to youtube to upload it on the blog but I’m hoping no one else ever discovers it but you (which is probably going to be the case because not everyone stalks people obsessively through google searches and so finds these sort of embarrassing things).

ANYWAYS. Enough chatter. I’m breaking the four/five months hiatus of our blog? with this video. HOPE SCHOOL IS AWESOME CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU IN LIKE THREE WEEKS.

Much love, your frand,

P.S. tried to embed the video here but I can’t do technology…so I just posted the link. Hopefully it works. I had to upgrade to google chrome to see it which I guess everyone has already done but I was still using safari…#embarrassing #luddite4ever.

P.S.S. love the holidays…my bro and sam sam.
